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Chromatic Connection at Weinberg

Weinberg NY, United States

There is no charge to attend, but your generous donations are gratefully accepted at the door. All dates, times and locations are subject to change. ​Please check back regularly for updates.​​


Jazzy Divas

Premier Cabaret at MusicalFare Theatre 4380 Main Street, Suite 123, Amherst, NY, United States

There is no charge to attend, but your generous donations are gratefully accepted at the door. All dates, times and locations are subject to change. ​Please check back regularly for updates.​​


Spring Recital Program

First Presbyterian Church of Lewiston 505 Cayuga St, Lewiston, NY, United States

There is no charge to attend, but your generous donations are gratefully accepted at the door. Open performance for all members of Chromatic Club. The date and time are tentative. Please check back for confirmation. ​Please check back regularly for updates.​​


Special Event — BPO Spotlight Series, featuring our Collegiate and Student performers

Mary Seaton Room, Kleinhan's Music Hall 3 Symphony Circle, Buffalo, NY, United States

This Chromatic Club performance will take place in the Mary Seaton Room of Kleinhans Music Hall prior to the 2:30pm Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Concert. A ticket to the BPO CONCERT is required in order to attend. For tickets and additional information, please visit the web site.

120: Our Past, Present, and Future

Montante Cultural Center 2001 Main St., Buffalo, NY, United States

The $25 entrance fee to our 120th Anniversary Celebration includes: Concert, Door Prizes and light hor d'ourvres. EventBrite Link: Facebook Link: ​Please check back regularly for updates.​​


Merry, Merry, Merry, Music III

First Presbyterian Church of Lockport 21 Church Street, Lockport, NY, United States

Merry, Merry, Merry, Music III Sunday, December 8, 2019 First Presbyterian Church 21 Church Street, Lockport 3:00pm

Oishei Children’s Hospital

Oshei Children's Hospital 818 Ellicott St, Buffalo, NY, United States

Oishei Children’s Hospital Friday, December 13, 2019 2:00pm

Evolution: You Are Peace

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church 4369 Buffalo St., Orchard Park, NY, United States

We are collaborating with the Buffalo Gay Men Chorus to present Evolution, to highlight the universal truths that unite us all with an eye toward learning, kindness and compassion. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit:


Italian Opera in WNY – CANCELED

The Charter Place 351 Tacoma Ave, Buffalo, NY, United States

FYI, THIS CONCERT WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT A LATER DATE. A lecture-recital in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Center and The Chartered Professor    
